Saturday, February 22, 2014

Progeria: An Unfortunate Event

Progeria is very rare, but at the same time, is close. The chances of a child acquiring Progeria is around one in every four to eight million babies born according to The Progeria Research Foundation. Same Berns is a national celebrity all across America and the world. A true inspiration, he has even been in a documentary from HBO called, "Life According to Sam". Both his parents are pediatricians who have created the Progeria Research Foundation themselves. Sam Berns has been a true warrior his whole life. He gave a speech on TEDx about "My Philosophy for a Happy Life" and speaks about, "how he lives a happy life, and everyone else can, because they can do anything" according to Sam Berns. Sam loved playing in the marching band (played the snare drums), and lived until he was seventeen years old. Unfortunately, on January 10, 2014, Sam Berns died.

Here is a picture of Sam Berns from his documentary "Life According to Sam and apicture of him on TEDx":

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